What Is Regulation 59 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015

Regulation 59 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015, also known as PCR 2015, is a vital component of public sector procurement in the UK. This regulation outlines the rules and requirements for the procurement of contracts by contracting authorities in the UK.

The purpose of PCR 2015 is to ensure that public sector procurement is carried out in a fair, transparent, and competitive manner, in line with the principles of the European Union’s Single Market. Under this regulation, public sector bodies must follow a set of strict rules when procuring contracts, including requirements for pre-qualification, tendering, and evaluation.

One of the primary requirements of PCR 2015 is that contracting authorities must publish all contract opportunities on a public platform, such as the Contracts Finder website, for a minimum of 30 days, to ensure that all eligible suppliers have an equal chance to compete for the contract.

Contracting authorities must also provide clear and detailed information about the contract, including its scope, requirements, and evaluation criteria. This information must be made available to all suppliers who express an interest in the contract, to ensure transparency and fairness throughout the procurement process.

In addition, PCR 2015 requires contracting authorities to evaluate bids based on a set of pre-defined criteria, including price, quality, and delivery time. The evaluation process must be fair, objective, and consistent, and the winning bid must meet all of the specified requirements of the contract.

One of the key benefits of PCR 2015 is that it helps to promote competition in public sector procurement, reducing the risk of collusion and corruption. This regulation also helps to ensure that the public sector receives the best value for money, by promoting efficiency, innovation, and cost-effectiveness in the procurement process.

Overall, Regulation 59 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 plays a vital role in ensuring that public sector procurement is carried out in a fair and transparent manner, benefiting both the public sector and the suppliers who compete for contracts. By complying with this regulation, contracting authorities can help to promote competition, drive innovation, and achieve value for money in their procurement activities.

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