Local 393 Master Labor Agreement

The Local 393 Master Labor Agreement: A Guide for Workers and Employers

The Local 393 Master Labor Agreement (MLA) is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for workers in the building and construction industry in the San Francisco Bay Area. This agreement is negotiated between the union and the employers, and it sets forth the standards for wages, hours, working conditions, and benefits for workers in the local area. In this article, we will take a closer look at the Local 393 MLA and what it means for workers and employers alike.

What is the Local 393 Master Labor Agreement?

The Local 393 MLA is a collective bargaining agreement between the Building and Construction Trades Council of Alameda County and the surrounding areas and the employers who hire workers in that region. The agreement sets forth the terms and conditions under which workers will be employed, including their wages, hours, benefits, and working conditions.

The agreement covers a wide range of workers, including carpenters, electricians, plumbers, ironworkers, and other skilled tradespeople. It is designed to ensure that workers receive fair compensation for their work, as well as safe and healthy working conditions.

What are the key provisions of the Local 393 Master Labor Agreement?

One of the key provisions of the Local 393 MLA is the establishment of minimum wage rates for workers in the building and construction industry. These wage rates are based on the type of work being performed, as well as the experience and skill level of the worker.

The agreement also sets forth the hours of work for employees, including overtime and rest periods. It establishes the rules for safety on the job site, including the provision of safety equipment and training for workers.

Additionally, the Local 393 MLA outlines the benefits that workers are entitled to, including health insurance, retirement plans, and other forms of compensation. It establishes the rules for how these benefits are administered and what workers need to do to be eligible for them.

What are the benefits of the Local 393 Master Labor Agreement?

For workers, the Local 393 MLA provides a number of important benefits. First and foremost, it establishes a minimum wage rate that ensures workers receive fair compensation for their work. It also establishes safe and healthy working conditions, which reduces the risk of injury or illness on the job.

In addition, the agreement provides workers with access to health insurance and retirement plans, which are essential for their long-term financial stability. Finally, it ensures that workers have a voice in the workplace and can negotiate with their employers to improve their wages and working conditions.

For employers, the Local 393 MLA provides predictability and stability in the employment relationship. By establishing clear rules and guidelines for employment, it reduces the risk of disputes and misunderstandings between workers and employers. It also ensures that employers are able to attract and retain skilled workers by providing fair compensation and benefits.


Overall, the Local 393 Master Labor Agreement is an important document that sets forth the terms and conditions of employment for workers in the building and construction industry in the San Francisco Bay Area. It provides a wide range of benefits for workers, including fair wages, safe working conditions, and access to benefits such as health insurance and retirement plans. For employers, it provides predictability and stability in the employment relationship, reducing the risk of disputes and misunderstandings. Understanding the Local 393 MLA is essential for both workers and employers in the building and construction industry in the local area.

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